Casey Trickle Presents Public Thesis Defense
Congratulations to the Guédot Lab’s Casey Trickle for presenting his public defense of his master’s thesis on Monday, May 6! Casey’s presentation was titled “Exploring the Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Phenology of the Cranberry False Blossom Phytoplasma and its Leafhopper Vector, Limotettix vaccinii,” and was part of the Plant Pathology Departmental Seminar Series. Casey discussed the results of his surveys of the
distribution and diversity of leafhoppers in cranberry systems, and the prevalence of cranberry false blossom disease (CFBD) in Wisconsin agricultural cranberry marshes. He also presented data on the feeding patterns and population dynamics of the known leafhopper vector of CFBD, Limotettix vaccinii. His research will help growers and researchers understand and respond to the potentially increasing threat of CFBD which is a devastating disease for cranberry production.
Casey was co-advised on his master’s work by Christelle Guédot through the Entomology Department, and Leslie Holland of the Plant Pathology Department, and he will receive a Master’s in Plant Pathology. The high attendance of his public defense reflects how many connections Casey has made in both departments. He plans to transition into a PhD in Environment and Resources at the Nelson Institute here at UW next fall, expanding on his master’s thesis work while continuing to be advised by Leslie Holland. We will miss having Casey in the Guédot Lab and wish him all the best in his further studies!
This article was posted in Lab members.